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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

Adwerx 2023: A Year in Review

Leverage our 2023 milestones to supercharge your 2024 digital strategy with Adwerx!

You asked, we delivered. This past year was all about bringing our customers the best digital ad platform possible, designed to help agents, loan officers, top producers and firms stand out and win more business in the most tumultuous housing market in decades. 

We’re thrilled to share the highlights of what we’ve accomplished with you!

Gave Enterprise Admins more flexibility to navigate and optimize their campaigns

This included 12 product enhancements for enterprise-level customers, offering them more control and additional data-backed insights. 

  • Enhanced company-wide reporting and access for all admin users
  • Ability to view and edit producers' ads in the Adwerx portal
  • Option to override data feeds and customize user settings
  • More transparency and controls to optimize firm-level campaigns
  • Introduced Site Reporting and Site Block List features
  • Created Admin tooling for custom ad uploads
  • Integrated billing directly into Adwerx accounts

To learn more about these product improvements, head to our help center

Created opportunities for top producers (and those aspiring to be) to stand out against their competition

Top Performer Packages saw strong adoption since Q3 launch, with 126 customers actively using the new service to reach prospects and win new business.

  • Launched curated Top Performer Packages designed to grow & nurture your network
  • Provided enhanced reporting exclusive to Top Performer Package customers

To start your own Top Performer Package, visit our website and book a demo with our team.

Introduced more ways to build better connections with key referral sources

In this market, you simply cannot afford to lose a client to another agent. That's why we made it easier than ever to stay in front of your database with Ads for Your Sphere.

  • Introduced the ability to target by physical addresses in addition to email and phone
  • Provided the ability to edit Sphere campaign lists directly in Adwerx accounts
  • Reduced pricing of Ads for Your Sphere on to offer more value 

Target your key referral sources with Ads for Your Sphere

Launched new visually appealing ads to grab the attention of potential customers

To help stand out and break through the clutter online, all Adwerx ads now feature attention-grabbing motion designs. 

  • Added new ad templates in Enterprise Dashboard, all featuring Adwerx Motion™
  • Launched all Enterprise customers with Adwerx Motion
  • Included ability for Admins to create new motion ads in their Enterprise Dashboard

Made it easier than ever for customers to create, manage and evaluate their digital advertising strategy

In order to help customers better manage their ad campaigns, 678K+ Adwerx users were migrated to a new easy-to-understand dashboard with additional reporting and insights. 

  • New Account Summary pages provide additional insight into campaign performance
  • Additional screenshots that show you exactly where your ads have been shown
  • Facebook Likes and Comments are now accessible directly in your Adwerx account
  • New reporting capabilities including geographic heat maps and total advertising time of your campaigns

Thank you to all of our customers who provided feedback, helped test early versions of these features and otherwise helped make 2023 product launches successful. We’re grateful for the incredible community that chooses to build their businesses with us. 

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