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June 20, 2024

Enterprise Dashboard Enhancements: Putting More Control in our Customers’ Hands

As our customers manage the advertising for all of their producers, they need the capabilities to manage that advertising program effectively. That’s why we’ve been working hard to build an expanded experience within the Enterprise Dashboard. Our goal is to give our customers the control and customization functionality they need to manage their Adwerx advertising program from start to finish. From ad templates to user management to reporting, we’re developing features that put the necessary capabilities at our customers’ fingertips.

We kicked off our enhancements last year with the release of four key features that our customers have already been using (and loving).

Last February, in coordination with a Facebook-wide update, we enabled the ability to fully brand Facebook ads by allowing our customers to configure which Facebook pages are used by the firm and allow producers to run ads out of their own page. Learn more.

Last March, we released the Campaigns page, which allows administrators to view all ads for their company, understand producer engagement and see individual ad performance. Learn more.

In April, we rolled out enhanced Enterprise Reporting, enabling users to make informed business decisions with access to user-friendly reports that track how campaigns are performing. Learn more.

In September, we released our User Management page, providing the ability to control the data used for producers and which users receive automated advertising. Learn more.

We just released another exciting feature, giving our customers full access to their ad templates. The Ad Designs page allows customers to select a template and customize the branding on their own; this streamlines the onboarding process and makes it easier to switch campaign templates whenever the customer wants. Check out this video to learn more about this feature and how to use it.

Our product roadmap is focused on continuing to expand our customers’ control and capabilities within the Enterprise Dashboard with more features, including:

  • Greater visibility into firm-level campaigns while allowing multiple admins to manage ads with a new Corporate Ads page
  • Additional reporting capabilities, including Compliance Reporting for Mortgage customers
  • Ability to view contract details and invoice history and manage payment with a new Billing area
  • Greater control over automation settings and campaign data sources

We are excited about the enhancements we continue to deliver to our customers to give them the control and customization functionality they need to make their Adwerx program the best it can be.

Questions? Visit our Help Center or reach out to our support team at

We’d love your feedback! Love one of our new releases? Have suggestions on how we can improve our product even more? Send us an email at

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