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Adwerx is NOT a lead generating platform. Adwerx is a platform that helps agents build BRAND AWARENESS. Let's face it, there are more than enough agents in any general town, city, county, etc., that can help you buy or sell a home. So, if you are a newer agent like I was just a few years ago, your efforts should be best served finding ways to establish your brand so you can be viewed as a visible and viable alternative.
Adwerx is NOT a lead generating platform. Adwerx is a platform that helps agents build BRAND AWARENESS. Let's face it, there are more than enough agents in any general town, city, county, etc., that can help you buy or sell a home. So, if you are a newer agent like I was just a few years ago, your efforts should be best served finding ways to establish your brand so you can be viewed as a visible and viable alternative.
Think about marketing and how you need to see something a few times before the branding starts to resonate and become familiar with your audience. With this in mind, print ads must be frequent and the cost is substantial while being a necessary promotion. When you look at the cost for Adwerx, it’s a no-brainer.
Think about marketing and how you need to see something a few times before the branding starts to resonate and become familiar with your audience. With this in mind, print ads must be frequent and the cost is substantial while being a necessary promotion. When you look at the cost for Adwerx, it’s a no-brainer.
Adwerx helps me look like the dominant marketer in my area, showing my ads across the web while promoting my personal brand and my listings.
Adwerx helps me look like the dominant marketer in my area, showing my ads across the web while promoting my personal brand and my listings.
When we have Adwerx ads running on the New York Times, on Yahoo and all these other various sites, people see us there. They know that we're savvy marketers, which just makes us look better to them, as marketers of their properties.
When we have Adwerx ads running on the New York Times, on Yahoo and all these other various sites, people see us there. They know that we're savvy marketers, which just makes us look better to them, as marketers of their properties.
If you aren't on the internet and you aren't putting your “sign” out there on the internet, then you are missing the opportunity to brand yourself and be the first realtor that any of your past or future clients think of.
If you aren't on the internet and you aren't putting your “sign” out there on the internet, then you are missing the opportunity to brand yourself and be the first realtor that any of your past or future clients think of.
Clients are calling their agents in disbelief their homes are on ESPN/CNN. It makes an agent feel like a rockstar and the client feels like the agent is a rockstar.
Clients are calling their agents in disbelief their homes are on ESPN/CNN. It makes an agent feel like a rockstar and the client feels like the agent is a rockstar.
I would say to other firms who are interested in using Adwerx to definitely take the plunge. They're going to be probably the easiest vendor you’re going to work with. They are truly, truly wonderful to have as a partner.
I would say to other firms who are interested in using Adwerx to definitely take the plunge. They're going to be probably the easiest vendor you’re going to work with. They are truly, truly wonderful to have as a partner.
Personalized retargeting does the thing we want to do - puts the agent in front of the customer again and again and again so that when that customer thinks of real estate, they think of that agent.
Personalized retargeting does the thing we want to do - puts the agent in front of the customer again and again and again so that when that customer thinks of real estate, they think of that agent.
We use Adwerx in our recruiting presentations, and see it as an attractive recruiting vehicle that encourages Mortgage Consultants to join our firm. Adwerx offers the opportunity to stay connected with past and existing customers, which leads to a higher conversion rate, shows our Mortgage Consultants everything we’re doing to help them succeed.
We use Adwerx in our recruiting presentations, and see it as an attractive recruiting vehicle that encourages Mortgage Consultants to join our firm. Adwerx offers the opportunity to stay connected with past and existing customers, which leads to a higher conversion rate, shows our Mortgage Consultants everything we’re doing to help them succeed.
Adwerx has put me on the map and sets me apart from my competition with custom web and streaming TV advertising. I only wish I had Adwerx earlier in my career and had started it before I hit 18 years in the business!
Adwerx has put me on the map and sets me apart from my competition with custom web and streaming TV advertising. I only wish I had Adwerx earlier in my career and had started it before I hit 18 years in the business!
A big takeaway is not just the use of Adwerx to follow up, but those producers who are committed to delivering a constant stream of messages to their database actually did achieve immediate rewards in higher productivity.
A big takeaway is not just the use of Adwerx to follow up, but those producers who are committed to delivering a constant stream of messages to their database actually did achieve immediate rewards in higher productivity.
I’ve been using Adwerx for years and find it very beneficial for me and my sellers. It’s affordable and targets buyers specifically searching in the area. The stats to share with the sellers is so helpful especially if they’re not getting any traffic. I use Adwerx for new listings, under contract, price improvements and Sold!
I’ve been using Adwerx for years and find it very beneficial for me and my sellers. It’s affordable and targets buyers specifically searching in the area. The stats to share with the sellers is so helpful especially if they’re not getting any traffic. I use Adwerx for new listings, under contract, price improvements and Sold!
Adwerx provides me with the flexibility to hyper-target the areas most important to my business, and shift targeting easily. The flexibility the Adwerx Platform provides has been incredibly valuable to our team!
Adwerx provides me with the flexibility to hyper-target the areas most important to my business, and shift targeting easily. The flexibility the Adwerx Platform provides has been incredibly valuable to our team!