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Leverage Adwerx Technology to Recruit Top Talent

Keep your firm in front of your top recruiting targets and drive them to your careers page

Be Top-of-Mind Every Day

Reach top talent in your industry with targeted ads to your database or CRM
Highlight the benefits of joining your brokerage
Passively stay in front of top producers, reminding them of your firm when they’re ready to make a career move
Schedule a Demo
Stay top-of-mind with top talent and drive them to your careers page
Ads target your preferred contacts with a soft-touch approach that keeps your firm at the top of their mind
Keep your list up to date using our Quick Adder™ technology or with a CRM integration

How it Works


Design Your Ad

Upload your firm’s existing recruiting ad design or work with Adwerx to create one

design your ad sample

Add Your Recruiting Targets

Upload the list of contacts you want to target with your ad

add your recruiting target sample image

Launch Your Campaign

We’ll run your tailored ads on Facebook, Instagram and premium websites 

launch your campaign sample image

See Your Results

Your Adwerx Enterprise Dashboard will showcase your ad results

see your results sample image
Schedule a Demo
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We use Adwerx in our recruiting presentations, and see it as an attractive recruiting vehicle that encourages Mortgage Consultants to join our firm. Adwerx offers the opportunity to stay connected with past and existing customers, which leads to a higher conversion rate, shows our Mortgage Consultants everything we’re doing to help them succeed.

Ron Wivagg
Prosperity Home Mortgage

Ready to get started?

Firms Looking for Enterprise Solutions

Equip your producers with intuitive advertising tools

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Top Performing Producers and Teams Looking to Level Up

Reach prospective clients and strengthen your existing relationships

View Packages

Individuals Looking to Build Your Brand Online

Launch a personalized digital ad to grow your business

Create an Ad