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How does Adwerx target prospects with my ad?

Adwerx helps you find potential new clients with targeted digital advertising campaigns. There are three main ways Adwerx can help you find potential clients. 

1. Targeting based on geography (or location) & online behavior:

Adwerx targets consumers within your designated geographic area who have demonstrated interest in buying or selling real estate through their browsing history: activities such as looking for listings online, using online mortgage calculators or researching moving companies. 

Adwerx ad types that use geographic & behavioral targeting:

  • Zip Code Ads
  • Ads for Your Local Area 
  • Ads for Your Listings

2. Targeting based on your database:

Adwerx sphere targeting allows you to maintain regular engagement with your database using personalized digital ads that reach your network where they’re spending their time. Target custom audiences of your current customers, prospects, past clients and more.

Adwerx ad types that use database targeting:

  • Ads for Your Sphere

3. Targeting based on your site visitors:

Reach the prospects who have already demonstrated interest in your services: those that have visited your website. Retargeting campaigns follow your website visitors across Facebook, Instagram, premium websites and mobile apps, allowing you to bring warm leads back to your site to convert.

Adwerx ad types that use retargeting:

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