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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

In The Game Of Online Advertising, Real Estate Teams Have The Upper Hand

Collective expertise and bigger budgets are only the beginning.

The number of real estate teams continue to swell across the industry, attracting multiple all-stars and in many cases, evolving into quasi-brokerages.  

Real Estate teams

Up-and-coming top producers can flourish in the team environment because of easier access to experienced industry guidance and a “place at the table” when it comes to technology, marketing, and business decisions.

Teams also give new agents a sense of belonging, which the independent contractor nature of real estate rarely provides when fresh out of licensing school. “Here’s a desk, phone, and a few names. Good luck.”

Compound Interest

Teams leverage the collective marketing expertise within their ranks to create a rising tide to lift all ships.

In the team environment, marketing costs can be spread throughout, allowing each member to benefit from higher budgets and a wider net of outreach.

When it comes to an Adwerx account, for example, a team marketing budget can expand the reach of a campaign well beyond a single zip code.

Teams can also lean on a bigger, multi-tiered sphere of influence for keeping an ad in front of potential referrals. In large teams, the number of referrals from an Adwerx Sphere campaign can compound in a hurry.

The Rich Get Richer

Additionally, online advertising is a proven method to bolster recruiting, especially in the Adwerx environment.

Our ads can target individuals using their email address with our patent-pending Quick-Adder™ technology. When it comes to recruiting, that feature can be leveraged to pinpoint the agents members of teams have worked with in other deals.

Should a team member believe another agent is a good fit, their email can be added to the campaign target list in a professional, and most importantly, discreet fashion.  

real estate teams

Another tactic would be to use a campaign to promote a “deals done” page, or some section of your website that highlights the team’s accomplishments. Every agent wants to be part of a team or company on the rise, especially one that demonstrates the insight to use online advertising to promote itself.

In fact, a landing page with team bios and notable sales is also an effective draw for listing prospects. In the end, a potential seller wants to see big numbers, and when sales stats are presented collectively, it creates a powerful impact on those looking for an agent.

Go Team, Go

Mobile advertising is a very beneficial aspect of online advertising. A team’s ads automatically respond to device size, able to send consistent messaging across web browsers and social media apps, demonstrating that your team is everywhere people look for properties, a compelling tactic for both potential recruits and sellers.

Real estate teams

Most teams build their own websites, manage their own social media accounts, and operate with branding standards that stand out from those run by a standard brokerage.

With divided marketing responsibilities, what is often a chore for individual agents, such as creating blog posts, becomes a much more streamlined workflow.

Thus, online advertising can have a greater impact when it’s backed by a targeted, well-orchestrated marketing presence.

Dividing To Conquer

Lastly, teams are better matched to “win” a specific zip code or community. If multiple agents used individual online campaigns to attract sellers in a certain part of the market, it would take little time to become the go-to team for that corner of the city.

Teams are no doubt a great option for agents looking for a more dynamic marketing presence and boutique agency-like support and work environment.

The advantages are many, from “strength in numbers” sales stats to more opportunities for income. That said, many agents excel as nimble, independent professionals.

Regardless of what business model works for you, know that online advertising can become a powerful, flexible foundation of your brand awareness and lead generation efforts.

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