How do you leverage LinkedIn for Real Estate? Ask Italina Kirknis!

The Real Estate Community’s Online Presence Expert explains how agents and brokers can do more with LinkedIn
Mention social media to real estate agents, and their first response will probably be Facebook. Their second response might be Instagram — if they’re really on the cutting edge. But few will mention LinkedIn.
Online Presence Expert & Speaker Italina Kirknis sees this as a missed opportunity.
Her expertise stems from her own experience. She started a career in law, but literally found herself ill as a result of doing work she didn’t enjoy. This is when she began leveraging LinkedIn to find new career opportunities and found a high degree of success. Her phone started ringing and she found herself answering questions about how to use LinkedIn.
“People wanted to know how I was doing what I was doing on LinkedIn,” she said. “I’d spend all this time on the phone walking professionals on LinkedIn through how to use it…time I was supposed to be spending looking for a job!”
But the time was well spent, as Italina is now at the helm of a growing social media management firm and coaching & speaking business. For example, she helps agents and lenders understand how to make the most of the social media sites they’re on.
“LinkedIn is the professional site,” Italina explained. “So it’s fertile ground for business to take place on LinkedIn. ”
Particularly for people in the 40 – 60 age group, LinkedIn is a more natural place to start business conversations. Whereas on a more social site, it may not be as appropriate to bring up business. Potential clients reach out and connect on LinkedIn with the specific intent to network.
Today, Italina works one-on-one with agents, coaching them on how to upgrade and establish an online presence across online sites from Facebook, to Yelp, Google+, Instagram and others. Her team even manages the social media sites for those agents and lenders who prefer to outsource their social media marketing. Finally, Italina is a sought after guest speaker, helping real estate and lending professionals make the most of their Online Presence.
LinkedIn wants you to consider the platform a source as well, starting with reputation management. “If you have just met a client or don’t know them well, you can bet the house they are going to look you up on LinkedIn.” writes LinkedIn’s own Dave Byrnes.
But it’s not just about your own profile. LinkedIn is a great source for your thought leadership. And don’t let her hear you say you’re too busy to post.
“Posting doesn’t have to be this chore that you need to put a ton of thought into,” suggests Italina. “Take the regular things you do every day. Share what you’re doing right now.” She points out that social posts shouldn’t have to interrupt your day. Instead, they should be part of your day.
Watch the full video below.
Posting regularly is one thing. But don’t let your profile go stale. Italina has great freshen up suggestions everyone should do right now.
- Make sure the link to your Facebook business page is on your personal Facebook page, rather than your company business page. Bring traffic to you, rather than to your umbrella company.
- Go to your LinkedIn profile and read it. There is likely something you’ll want to change.
- Visit all your social media profiles, and make sure your contact information is super easy to find.
And of course, add Italina Kirknis to your LinkedIn connections!