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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

Cracking the Code: Increasing your Online Presence

It wasn’t long ago that marketers were concentrating their efforts in only a handful of places; traditional channels like TV, radio, print, and billboards. Marketing used to be a one way interaction. Now, thanks to technology, marketing is a two way road with countless ways to put your message in front of users through your website, social media networks, email, and search engines just to name a few.

As a real estate agent in today’s constantly changing digital world, having a strong online presence is an essential tool to your success.  According to Statista, in the spring of 2017 the number of internet users who accessed real estate listings on a computer amounted to over 25 million in a period of just 30 days. While increasing your online presence may seem daunting, it is actually easier than you may think. Here are three quick tips to ensure you rise to the top of the search results when prospective clients in your area are in the market to buy or sell a home.

Create a professional website and ensure it is mobile friendly.

A well designed website that highlights the services you provide and professionalism of your real estate business should be the first step taken to increase your online presence. First, clearly communicate your value to visitors through content and images that match your mission, values, and branding. This may also need to align with your brokerage’s branding requirements. Second, ensure your site is responsively designed to update the layout based on the visitor’s screen size and orientation. Google states that people are 5x more likely to leave a mobile site if it isn’t mobile friendly, and nearly half of all visitors will leave if the page doesn’t load within 3 seconds. Sites that are not mobile friendly will likely be quickly abandoned for an easier-to-use alternative resulting in the loss of your next client.

Increase your brand awareness with digital ads.

An easy and effective way to increase traffic to your website is through the use of online advertising. Adwerx can help boost your online presence by advertising your business on thousands of popular websites, via Facebook, and in mobile apps. You can target prospective clients in the areas that matter most through zip code targeting, or stay top of mind with your Sphere of Influence.

Have an active presence on social media.

Nearly two-thirds of American adults use social media and you don’t want to miss your chance at reaching them. Engage with potential clients through active participation in community groups and forums. Share relevant, engaging content via your social channels and build your authority as a thought leader and trusted source.

Increasing your online presence can help you expand your reach and grow your business in ways that traditional outbound advertising cannot. Start implementing these simple tips into your marketing efforts and you’ll soon be glad you did!

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