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Thought Leadership
October 10, 2024

Impress Your Sellers with Adwerx Listing Ad Campaigns

Now with the ability to increase exposure of your properties! 

As a real estate agent, you deliver excellent service to your clients day in and day out, but you know as well as anyone, client satisfaction can be a full-time job. That’s why Ads for Your Listings from Adwerx are so powerful. These campaigns not only showcase your properties online but also impress your seller clients by demonstrating your commitment to effective marketing strategies.

Picture this: you’ve listed a new property on Friday afternoon. Sunday morning, your client wakes up, makes a cup of coffee, and sits down with their iPad to read the news. They open an article on about their NFL team’s matchup that afternoon and BOOM – there’s their listing ad staring them in the face with your name attached. Immediately, they’re filled with a sense of confidence that their home is in good hands.

A Listing Ad featuring their property is a consistent reminder to your seller that they’ve made the right choice in listing their home with you. Starting now, Adwerx is offering you an even greater advantage with the option to add extra views to your listing campaigns. 

For just $49, you can boost your campaign with an additional 5,000 views, ensuring maximum exposure for your properties. What's more, customers opting for a 5-week campaign will enjoy this added benefit free of charge, enhancing the value of your marketing efforts.

In a world where first impressions are everything, Adwerx Listing Ad Campaigns empower real estate agents to make a lasting impact. Start leveraging Adwerx today to elevate your real estate marketing strategy.

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