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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

Customer Relationship Advertising™ – Because People Buy From People

An advertiser’s guide to creating more engaging digital ads

Look at the ads below: Which ad is better for Jane’s customers and prospects to see?

Better yet, which ad will draw the attention of Jane’s customers & prospects while browsing their favorite websites and social media platforms? Which ad will help Jane maintain a personal connection with the people important to her business?

These are the questions that spurred the creation of Customer Relationship Advertising™ (CRA), a brand new marketing category from Adwerx. It’s based on the simple fact that people buy from people.

Companies already know this is true.

Marketers are already busy humanizing and personalizing customer touchpoints for their salespeople. For example, you would never send an email without a personalized signature.

Emails are sent from your salespeople directly, not your company

And a business card is much more personal with a human face on it.

But, companies have never been able to figure out how to do this effectively with display advertising. It’s now possible with Customer Relationship Advertising™, a new marketing category from Adwerx.

What is Customer Relationship Advertising™?

A CRA™ platform is a solution or system of solutions that help B2B businesses run personalized, targeted digital advertising campaigns, at scale, for every producer at the company.

All campaigns should be hyper-targeted based on at least one of the following criteria:

  • Custom audiences pulled directly from the company’s CRM
  • Geo-locations by a radius or zip code
  • Visitors to a company or sales producer’s website/landing page

Because in B2B transactions the sale is between a sales representative and decision-makers at the company, a CRA™ platform can help account executives and other salespeople build better relationships with their prospects and in turn, close more deals.

Customer Relationship Advertising™ is rooted in a really simple idea: people buy from people. You wouldn’t send an email from your salesperson without a personalized signature, so why would you do that with your advertising? CRA is the logical complement to your CRM, and marketers will love it because it’s fully automated and doesn’t rely on the salesperson to remember to do anything.Jed Carlson, CEO, Adwerx

What does a CRA™ solution do?

In short, a CRA™ platform should manage each of the following elements of an ad campaign, without the sales producer or company having to do anything:

  • Sync with enterprise data sources
  • Generate brand-compliant ads featuring every sales producer at scale
  • Create individual ad campaigns for each producer
  • Allow for business “rules” to determine targeting, frequency, and duration of campaigns
  • Access social, web, and streaming TV for all campaigns

Setups can look very different depending on the company’s goals. For example, CRA™ can:

  • Help establish familiarity with prospects prior to a cold call to help warm the lead
  • Provide Account Managers with a soft-touch way to keep in touch with current customers
  • Give marketers an automated way to help their salesforce build relationships, creating time for other valuable initiatives

The sooner a company can start running digital ad campaigns using a CRA™ approach, the sooner it can improve the sales experience for prospects, and build stronger customer relationships.

Do SMBs need a CRA™ solution?

Customer Relationship Advertising™ isn’t just for enterprise businesses and should work for any company that wants to humanize their salesforce, regardless of the number of producers.

The moment a business creates a personalized, human touchpoint in the places where their prospects are spending time online, it begins to lay a strong foundation for building better relationships with those customers and prospects. Because the process is automated, there is no additional burden placed on the marketing or sales team.

What makes Adwerx a Customer Relationship Advertising™ solution?

The Adwerx CRA™ software seamlessly integrates with existing CRM systems to automatically generate individually personalized digital ads for each member of sales, SDR, and account management teams in enterprise organizations.

The personalized ads then begin to passively “follow” each salesperson’s current clients and prospects (pulled from the CRM) as they browse the web and social media – keeping the salesperson top of mind all the time with the people that matter most.

Audiences update automatically each day, adjusting for contacts who were added or removed from the CRM.

We’re meeting face to face less often these days, but people still buy from people. Our customers find great value in how CRA™ keeps their salespeople or account managers in front of their prospects and clients all the time, regardless if they have a team of 10 or a team of 10,000 sales producers. This targeting is made possible through ad tech commonly used by the largest and most sophisticated companies. Adwerx’s mission is to make that targeting available to any company.Jed Carlson, CEO, Adwerx

Benefits of Customer Relationship Advertising™

Implementing CRA™ software can start to yield immediate benefits for businesses of any size, including:

One recent study reported a 29% lift in meetings booked with prospects and a 25% increase in the closing rate on new business.

How exactly does this happen? Adwerx’s automated technology seamlessly deploys advertising featuring every sales producer at the company, designed to help sales and marketing achieve their goals.

The Science of Customer Relationship Advertising™

Ads with faces are eleven times more likely to get noticed

Studies show that 91.7% of ads featuring a person’s face attracted more attention than non-face ads, with the effect being greater in scenarios where the exposure time is short (like an ad on the internet or social media). Our brains are biologically hard-wired to process faces, so we’re able to detect faces at least twice as fast as many other stimuli. Attention strengthens memory, so it’s no surprise that the results also showed increased ad and brand recognition with face ads.

  • Including faces gets ads noticed 11X more than ads without
  • Featuring your logo and your producer’s face reinforces the company brand AND the producer’s personal brand
  • Adding their face drives recall and affinity for the producer

Getting started with Customer Relationship Advertising™

For Marketers, CRA™ is a logical addition to the marketing stack.  It’s a set-it-and-forget-it software that runs 24/7, is affordable, easy to onboard, and highly effective – with one recent user reporting a 29% lift in meetings booked with prospects and a 25% increase in the closing rate on new business.

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