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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

Win More Business by Getting Creative with Your Adwerx Sphere Campaigns

It’s real estate basics, up to 75% of your business comes from people you know — your sphere of influence (SOI). Your neighbors. Your book club members. Your past clients. Your agent friends.

And whether you are a rookie agent or a seasoned veteran, these relationships are your bread and butter for referrals and repeat business. It’s why real estate agents are told to start with the people they know when they launch their business. 

The savviest of agents and loan officers use Adwerx Sphere of Influence Ad campaigns to maximize the value of their Sphere.

Win more business from your Sphere of Influence Campaign using these best practices:

  1. Audit your database to grow your network
  2. Get in front of your Sphere faster, automatically
  3. Personalize your messaging to better connect with your people

Audit your existing database for new leads

Start thinking of the 1-2 degrees of separation from the people you know as well as the groups that you have access to where leads could be hiding. Once you start brainstorming, you’ll likely be surprised at the number of untapped resources where you’ll find new contacts that could be added into your SOI campaign.

The most impactful campaigns include these groups:

  • Friends & Family (yours and your partner’s if applicable)
  • Acquaintances From Social Groups (kids' school, kids' activities, neighborhood, gym, Lions Club, book club, etc.)
  • Professional Contacts (hairdresser, dentist, accountant, home service contractors, etc.)
  • Current & Past Clients
  • Open House & Event Leads
  • Past Co-workers
  • Purchased Leads
  • Cold Leads
  • Other Loan Officers/Agents

Automatically stay connected to your Sphere

Minimize any added work in the process by using our Quick Adder™ tool to get new leads into your Sphere Campaign automatically. The process is simple:

  1. Find your Quick Adder code. To find it, click Get your unique Quick Adder email code in the campaign details section
  2. Save it in your computer and phone
  3. Automatically add new contacts from your email to your Adwerx Sphere Campaign

Once you’ve done this, you’ll automatically add the contact to your campaign’s audience allowing you to target them on Facebook, hundreds of websites and in mobile apps, and remind them you’re the local expert they should talk to when the time comes to move or refinance.

For additional instructions on how to find your Quick Adder code and automatically add new contacts to your Sphere Campaign, check out this help article

Personalize your message by audience type

For those with large databases, consider creating separate Sphere Campaigns to reach different audience segments with messaging that is tailored for them. This personalized approach communicates to your potential new clients that you understand their specific needs and are the right person to help navigate one of life’s largest transactions. 

A few example segments to get you started:

Target Segment One: Parents at your child’s school

Target Segment Two: Your professional network of other agents

Target Segment Three: Clients you’ve already worked with

Following these three easy-to-execute tips can help jumpstart your referral business and win you more deals with those already warmed to your services. 

To start your own Sphere of Influence Campaign visit

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