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Quick Tips
June 20, 2024

The Top 5 Digital Marketing Hacks for Real Estate Professionals

Real estate professionals must embrace savvy digital marketing strategies in our hyper-connected world. Within these strategies are specific tactics that can transform your marketing from the mundane to the magnificent. There’s value in postcards, calendars, and business cards but digital marketing is the best way for real estate professionals to leverage their money and time. Allow me to present the top 5 digital marketing hacks for real estate professionals.

Blogging and SEO

Many have extolled the virtues of blogging and its SEO benefits. It’s for good reason, though. Consistent blogging on a hyper-local, neighborhood level establishes you as a trusted voice in your community. Consistent blogging also helps your name/brand show up higher in organic search results. Blog content is the foundation for search engine optimization (SEO). Blog content is also the fuel for your social media activity.


Automate with IFTTT

IFTTT stands for “If This Then That”. On the basic level, you can use IFTTT to share your evergreen blog content to your various social media channels every day or even every hour. But beyond social media sharing, this internet tool can help you market and control utilities for a listing with your hands off. Smart-connected home tools and tasks (lights, Nest A/C settings, and more) are all manageable on IFTTT. Cool stuff like makes for neat “talking points” and digital marketing hacks for real estate. Have fun with social media marketing automation and more at


I know you might be thinking, “How in the world is email a hack?” Well, an efficient way of communicating value to a small or large group of targeted people at one time will always be considered a hack. Email is still one of the more effective ways to make sure your message/content is received. Share your blog content with your email list once or twice a week in a digest and watch your page views climb. Engage a list of past clients based on when you did business with them and/or when they joined your email list.

Tip: People like emails that look like regular emails. They don’t have adorned with borders and images. Communicate with your tribe in a normal way and in a normal tone and they’ll appreciate it. ConvertKit is one of my favorite email marketing tools.


Video is a hack because it appeals to two key senses — sight and hearing. And people like to see and hear from real human beings because it helps them validate the content and feel as though there’s a “closer” connection with the person on the screen. Use these things to your advantage. Real estate is a people business so video should be a go-to digital marketing hack for real estate in your toolbox. Another benefit of video publishing is that it totally hacks in-person inhibitions. It puts you in front of people without actually having to be in front of people (though you can argue that a real estate professional who doesn’t like being in front of people could be in the wrong business).

Power Tip: Go live on Periscope or Facebook Live from an open house or for a virtual home tour.

Outsourcing and Delegating

This next hack might not seem like a hack at all but it must be mentioned especially for real estate. My guess is that outsourcing and delegating was the world’s first productivity hack. Moses’s father-in-law, Jethro, told him to find some men in the Israelite camp to outsource some important tasks to. And we all can learn from this. Many real estate professionals try to take on too much. Give some hard-to-do and time-consuming digital marketing tasks to another team member or a third-party vendor. Get started by delegating some of these digital marketing hacks for real estate!

I certainly hope these five digital marketing hacks for real estate will serve you well in your marketing endeavors. I trust that implementing them will put you in front of more people and create more buying and selling opportunities for your clients. If you want to learn more about branding and digital marketing for real estate, purchase my new ebook The Foundation: Branding for Successful Real Estate Professionals today!

Chris Craft personal branding for real estate agents

Chris Craft is a Christian, husband, father, author, speaker, and founder of Nao Media. Craft approaches all things, including his writing projects, from a Christian worldview. He writes on faith, gratitude, marketing, and business.

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