New administrator features arriving to your dashboard

Enterprise Clients: You asked, and Adwerx delivered!
Adwerx Enterprise customers now have Administrator access that enables the editing of automated ads. This means that managers designated as Administrators by your firm can edit automated ads for your producers on their Adwerx portal.
See an example below of the new accounts page in your dashboard:

Company Administrators who log in to their Enterprise Dashboard will now see a new section, called “Accounts”. Admins can search for a producer’s name and click to view their account as the producer would see it. Edits can be made from within their account, just as they would make them.
Currently, Administrators can only edit automated ads. In the future, producers will be able to grant extended access to their Admins so that Admins can edit any type of ad. Producers can modify the permission level of their company Admins if desired.
Administrator access is available for any Adwerx Enterprise client.
To find out when your company will have access, please speak to your Account Manager.
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