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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

Lead Generation for Loan Officers

Lead generation for loan officers is one of the top Google searches for those in the mortgage industry. So why are leads such a challenge?

As a loan officer, it should be as easy as finding someone who wants a home to find someone who needs your services. But sometimes, we get into the same routines, look in the same places, and we find ourselves adrift in a boat with “water water everywhere and not a drop to drink” syndrome. It’s time to refresh your lead generation tactics. Blow the dust off the handshake, and get out there.

Create a mortgage websites with authority

Your website is a portal to your business, and it’s a great place to direct your leads. But are you adding content so it comes up in searches? Start a blog about the loan process. Make your site a destination for people with questions about it, and those same people will think of you first when they’re ready to jump in. Make sure to use local keywords — name your town, your county, and your state.

Work those real estate relationships — but be compliant

Working with Real Estate agents and referring clients to one another only benefits the buyer. Obviously, RESPA ensures that there will be no monetary benefit to working with a REALTOR, but the insight gained from the two practices can only benefit you both, and when you work together, the borrower knows you’re looking out for them. Make sure, though, you’re avoiding breaking the rules.

Know when change happens

REALTORS are great resources, but consider teaming up with attorneys as well. Divorce, family law, real estate attorneys – they will all have clients in need of your services, and you may very well have borrowers in need of theirs. Sharing referrals is always great for mortgage lead generation, and it saves clients and borrowers an extra step in their search.

Get social to get leads

From Facebook to Twitter, Instagram to Linkedin, social media is changing the way marketing works, and that includes the mortgage industry. Reach more people with targeted ads, or create pages that offer free information to people searching for your services. Use other websites like Craigslist to link to the mortgage information page or blog page of your site.

Build your brand as a base

Lead generation is not something that happens in vacuum. For a prospect to be a lead, there is a journey. And part of that journey is helping people get to know your brand — and creating trust. You create trust in several of the ways listed above, but also simply by being seen. Digital ads for mortgage professionals help create that brand amplification, targeted toward people in your area or on your list.

First and foremost, be a person

Also, don’t forget about the most important social network — an in-person meeting. Find local events in your target market and attend them. Support local charities, businesses, town hall meetings, and parties. Be a part of the community you aim to serve and make sure people know you. There’s no flyer that can replace a handshake. Make sure you find yourself among actual people to make actual connections.

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