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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

Keyes agent Lisa Crovato: be everywhere!

For Keyes real estate agent Lisa Crovato, “coast to coast’ isn’t a metaphor. It’s a business goal.

Real estate has long been part of Lisa’s life. Her mother worked for a title insurance her first career. After her company moved her to Florida, she became a licensed agent.

While the Tampa area has been home base ever since, Lisa and her team have their sights set on Naples and the west coast of Florida. And she’s doing it two ways: in person and in digital.

“If I want to spend $300 for five days, I’d rather spend it with zip code ads with Adwerx. Print media is a thing of the past.”

But she combines that digital presence with being present  — what she calls, “boots on the ground.”

“It’s as simple as going to a local restaurant and wearing your company shirt. Engage with folks and be seen. You can’t just do social and digital. You are a real person!”

Expanding her reach into the west coast isn’t an initiative Lisa is taking on alone. Her team includes her sister, her “polar opposite” who helps balance Lisa’s own approach. They’re carrying on the tradition of a family business.

“I like to use what I know and learn, then learn even more and pass it on. I want to drive the bus.”

And no one can say Florida isn’t an exciting real estate market, considering its past ten years. But Lisa’s keeping her ear to the ground and an eye on her demographic. “The market is up right now, but folks are leery about their 401Ks and other investments. The safest investment, for the most part, is real estate. And the price is very good right now.”


Lisa’s marketing strategy shifted early in 2015, when she started measuring the results of her social campaigns. “That was my first opportunity to see the actual reach and how it paid me back,” she said. And that expanded to Adwerx digital ads to build brand awareness.

It’s not lead generation, but Lisa notes she is seeing results. “I do see folks contact us or get anecdotes that people saw my ads. It’s almost better than clicks, because they have to take an extra step to tell me.”

With her years of experience, Lisa does see a worrying trend: fear.

“A big percentage of agents are intimidated by getting out there,” she told us. “I had one new agent say they were afraid people would ask her a question she didn’t know the answer to.”

This isn’t a problem for Lisa. Not because she knows all the answers, but because she values any opportunity to have a conversation.

“Not knowing the answer is a way to get someone’s contact information! You’ll make good on a promise, make a contact, and learn something new. It’s ok to say I don’t know!”

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