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Quick Tips
June 20, 2024

Find your next superstar agent with targeted recruiting ads for brokers!

Over the years, we’ve asked brokers, “What’s your biggest challenge?” And the answer is almost always the same thing: recruiting real estate agents.

Good news, we can help!

You probably know that with Adwerx, your firm is better equipped to develop and support your real estate professionals with a service that has been proven to boost productivity by 35% and lower agent churn by up to 42%.

You might even highlight the Adwerx platform as a marketing incentive when you’re recruiting.

But you might not know that you can run your own ad campaigns with Adwerx to attract the very agents you want to work with.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3 to start your next recruiting campaign:

  1. Add your database of prospective agents
  2. Upload your ads
  3. We run your ads on sites all over the web, Facebook and mobile apps

That’s it.

Your next superstar agent is out there. Go forth and recruit!

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