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Digital Advertising Targeted by Zip Code

Secure your brand in your top zip codes with prospects looking for your services

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Advertise by Zip Code

Establish yourself as the go-to real estate expert for local buyers & sellers in your area. Adwerx Zip Code Ads deliver targeted, personalized ads on top websites and social media platforms to prospects who are in the market for real estate.

Why Advertise by Zip Code?

Establish yourself as the go-to expert in your local area
Deliver relevant content with precision
Target prospects actively searching for your services
Reach potential clients where they spend their time
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Build Your Brand
Where it Matters

Targets local people in the market for your services
Uses state-of-the-art targeting technology
Limits to 10 spots available per zip code
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Example of a zip code ad template featuring a company logo, tag line, employee portrait, name, title, phone number, city, and company name

*Pricing varies by zip code

Screenshot showing the total of an ad in various zip codes

Reach New Clients Where They Spend Time

Advertise on thousands of websites, in the Facebook mobile NewsFeed and in thousands of mobile apps
Your ad will target chosen zip codes
See a list of sample sites
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Bundle and save! Buy 3 or more zip codes and get 10% off     

Reach a local audience with simple pricing

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Adwerx provides me with the flexibility to hyper-target the areas most important to my business, and shift targeting easily. The flexibility the Adwerx Platform provides has been incredibly valuable to our team!

Julie Lyon
Team Lyon at Lyon Stahl

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Firms Looking for Enterprise Solutions

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Top Performing Producers and Teams Looking to Level Up

Reach prospective clients and strengthen your existing relationships

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Individuals Looking to Build Your Brand Online

Launch a personalized digital ad to grow your business

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